Section 1 Post Your Business Website

Section 1 Post Your Business Website – includes four lessons on setting up a free business website hosting account with Gitlab.

Lesson 3.1 Develop Your Business Promotion Plan

Lesson 3.2 Get Your Business Gmail Address

Lesson 3.3 Create Your Business Gitlab Account

Lesson 3.4 Post Your Business Website to Gitlab

Lesson 3.2 How to Make a CSS Grid Menu

In our final lesson for Course 2, we add three more pages to our website and then use CSS Grid to create a horizontal menu linking all of our web pages together into a complete business website.

Step 1: Create an About Us Web Page
Open Bluefish and add a new file using the HTML 5 template. Add the following between the body tags:

<h2> This is our Story</h2>

<p>We will eventually write a story on this web page explaining who we are and why we started our new business</p>

Save the file in your business website folder as about-us.html.

Step 2: Create a Contact Us Web Page
Add another new file using the HTML 5 template. Add the following between the body tags:

<h2> How to Contact Us</h2>

<p>We will eventually add our business Gmail address and/or other information explaining how folks can contact us. </p>

Save the file in your business website folder as contact-us.html.

Step 3: Create a Support Our Business Web Page
Add another new file using the HTML 5 template. Add the following between the body tags:

<h2> How to Help Our Business Grow</h2>

<p>We will eventually add information about how folks who like our business idea and want to help us can contribute to our business. </p>

Save the file in your business website folder as support-us.html.

Lesson 3.1 Create an External Style Sheet

In the previous section, we created an internal style sheet by copying inline attributes and then pasting them into the head of our document. In this section, we will use our internal style sheet we just made to create an external style sheet. We will then place our style sheet into our website css folder and then provide a link the style sheet in the head of our web documents.

Click File New to create a new document with Bluefish. Delete the default code. Then copy and paste the internal style sheet into this blank document. Here is what it will look like:


Now delete the opening and closing style brackets. Here is what it now looks like:



Then click File, Save As and navigate to your website CSS folder. Name the file mycss.css. Then click Save.