• Welcome to Kids Biz Club!
    Welcome to Kids Biz Club!
    Learn to make your own business website!
  • Do more than just look at web pages...
    Do more than just look at web pages...
    Learn how to build your own website!
  • Display your website for free!
    Display your website for free!
    Impress your friends, family and future employers!
  • We are here to help...
    We are here to help...
    You can make your own business website!
  • 9 Easy Steps...
    9 Easy Steps...
    We show you how to build a business website in just a few easy steps!
  • Bluefish Templates Make Building Websites Super Easy
    Bluefish Templates Make Building Websites Super Easy
    Bluefish has four special tools to help you!

About the Author

David Spring has a Masters Degree in Child Development and Science Education from the University of Washington. He has taught courses in computer technology, including the Windows operating system and the Linux operating system as well as HTML and CSS website development at several local colleges over the past 30 years. He is the author of Learn Linux and LibreOffice.org and the author of DistroTweaks.org – a system to help anyone create their own custom Linux operating system. David has also helped hundreds of small business owners build their own websites for nearly 30 years. David is also a member of the Bellingham Linux User Group. He lives in Ferndale, Washington with his wife, Elizabeth, son Chris and daughter Sierra.

It can be a major challenge to teach complex skills to young students. While I have a Masters Degree in Child Development, I could not have written this book without the assistance of my wife, Elizabeth Hanson, who also has a Masters Degree in Education and has spent nearly 30 years helping students learn how to speak English (another very complex skill).


Elizabeth Hanson & David Spring

I also could not have written this book without the patient advice from the thousands of students I have had the honor of teaching complex skills to over the past 30 years. I have learned as much from my students as they have learned from me. They are the reason there are so many diagrams and images in this book!

This course is not for every one… but it might be for you!
Not all kids will want to start a business or build a website. It can be a lot of fun. But it will also be a lot of work. We have done our best to make this process as easy as possible. But it is still pretty complex. If you have a desire to learn, you can do this. And we are here to show you how!