Welcome to Kids Biz Club! Our goal is to help you learn how to start and promote your own small business and build your own business website.
Our program is broken into three courses. Each course includes about 14 lessons. The first course explains basic business skills and shows you how to make a single page website. Our second course includes information on business types, business licenses, business book keeping and how to make a multi-page website. Our third course covers business marking and how to make your own Youtube channel.
This first course is 7 weeks long with 2 one-hour classes each week for a total of 14 class sessions. Here is an overview of our first course:
In our first two lessons, we focus on the economy. We learn how our economy works and how successful businesses work.
During our next two lessons, we learn how to write a business plan and meet local business owners who have started their own small business in our community.
We then learn how computers and networks work.
Next, we learn how how to use the Bluefish Editor to make our first web page.
Our first course concludes with learning how to change the size and color of text and how to add images to our website. Finally, we will put everything together as students will build their own web page and we will review how to present your website to the group. You will then present your business website and business plan to the rest of the group.
Our Two Sample Websites
We offer two sample business projects as templates to make it easier for you to get your own website project up and running. These are a product based business called Worlds Best Lemonade Stand and a service based business called Pet Education Center.
During this course, you get a chance to put your learning into action by writing your own business plan and building your own business website. You will then present your business website and business plan to the rest of the group.
During our first class, you will be given this course notebook and a personal USB drive with course documents loaded onto it. Students should bring both of these tools to every class. Students will also be given the choice of using their own laptop, if they have one, or using one of our laptops during the course. If you are using your own laptop, we will help you load the needed course programs, like Bluefish and LibreOffice, onto your laptop.
Tools you will need to complete this course
#1 A laptop (we will provide if needed)
#2 Web Building Programs. Your laptop should be loaded with the following free web building programs: Web Page Coder, Bluefish Web Editor, LibreOffice Word Processor and Image Editor, Firefox Web Browser, Firefox Web Browser, Chromium Web Browser, Krita Image Editor.
#3 USB Drive (We will provide)
#4 Course Notebook (We will provide)
#5 Internet Access (if available. But if not, we can also do all of these activities offline)
#6 Desire to learn how to write your own business plan and build your own business website.
#7 Time each week to complete the Reading and Homework Assignments
In addition to attending each class, you will be given a homework assignment to complete and bring to the next class. Each class session is about one hour and each homework assignment should take less than one hour to complete. Thus, the total time each week required for this course is about four hours per week – two hours of class sessions per week and two hours of homework per week - with the goal of each student creating their own business plan and building their own business website by the end of this 8 week course.
Some of the homework assignments may require access to the Internet. If you do not have Internet access at your home, then just complete the readings and we will do the Internet portions during our in-class sessions.
Sound good? Let’s get started! Just click on the First Course in the main menu at the top of this page!